About us

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The company GSP (Gesellschaft für Schwingungsuntersuchungen und dynamische Prüfmethoden mbH – Engineering Consultants for Vibration Analysis and Dynamic Testing Methods) was founded in 1991 by Dr.-Ing. Oswald Klingmueller. Since January 2023 GSP became part of the GuD group.

The continuity of the services of GSP, which has been operating successfully for over 30 years, will continue as usual, also after the retirement of the founder.

Managing directors are Dr.-Ing. Silke Appel, Dipl.-Ing. Christian Mayer and Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schallert.

All companies in the GuD-network and their employees work in a close collaboration, so that this well-founded know-how is also available in the future and a customer-specific and optimized service is guaranteed.

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schallert is leader of the workgroup „pile integrity testing“ of AK 2.1 „Piles“ of the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT) and is member of the commitee NABau NA 005-05-07 AA „Foundation soil, Piles“. The workgroup AK 2. is responsible for the edition of the “Recommendations on Piling (EA-Pfaehle)”.

GSP is representative of Pile Dynamics, Inc., Cleveland – the worldwide leading manufacturer of measuring technology, hardware and software for dynamic pile testing. This representation covers German-Speaking countries plus Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.

 •  Training on behalf of PDI

GSP provides training in use of PDI equipment on sites also outside the countries mentioned above (e.g. Emirates, Georgia, Guinea, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Turkey). 

 •  Workshops and Seminars

GSP organizes workshops and seminars (in German and English) in theory and practice of dynamic pile load testing and pile integrity testing at regular intervals. For more current information please click here.

Vibration and Noise

Vibration analysis and control

Dr. Klingmüller is giving expert statements for vibration measurements, vibration damages and vibration prediction on the basis of measurements for industrial installations or work of heavy engineering machinery e.g. vibration compaction or vibratory driving.

GSP executes measurements of vibrations for evaluation of buildings, civil engineering structures or engines of the Mechanical Engineering.

On the basis of special investigations the dynamic structure properties are determinated.
In special cases the results of theoretical calculation of the dynamic behavior and structural properties are compared with the measured values. This comparison forms the basis for predictions and the determination of reduction and isolation of vibrations.

GSP has special experience in protection of installations which are sensitive to vibrations (e.g. computer, server stations, CNC precision machines and scientific research instruments – SEM).

Vibration Monitoring according to German standard DIN 4150

GSP measures vibrations to control existing vibration levels and for accompanying documentation as a preservation of evidence.

Vibration measurements according to DIN 4150 part 2 and part 3 are carried out at one-day-services for instance during sheet pile driving, soil consolidation with vibratory rollers, deconstruction of buildings or as a permanent supervision extending over several weeks at construction sites.

Expert reports and prognoses according to DIN 4150 part 1 about vibrations to be expected are provided by Dr. Klingmüller.

Measuring Equipment

For measuring of vibrations GSP uses measuring instruments which meet the requirements of DIN 45669.

All Systems are equipped with 3D-geophones for recording movements in horizontal direction (x-and y-direction) and vertical direction (z -direction).

As an option the measurement equipment allows to measure synchronously at two different positions (e.g. at the foundation and at the floor of a building).

A special feature is the view of the measurement as time-velocity-history from each channel in real time.

 Noise Measurement

Noise originated from activities on construction sites attracts increasing attention mainly during inner-urban building projects.

Noise control and assessment according to German environmental regulations are provided by GSP. In special cases statements for expected noise are elaborated.

Conservation of evidence

Before vibration intensive works are carried out, the documentation of existing damages as conservation of evidence is crucial.

GSP records preexisting damages photografically.

Dynamic Load Tests

To determine the ultimate axial bearing capacity of piles and to secure safety under service load it is necessary to load the pile with a multiple of the service load. By dynamic load testing the load transfer from pile into the soil can be determined. On the basis of the measured values the resistances (shaft resistance and end bearing) actually activated by a blow can be determined.

Dynamic load testing is a cost efficient alternative to static load testing and faster to be carried out.

The testing procedure is accepted as a method for determination of characteristic values of the bearing capacity of piles by Eurocode EC7 and German Institute for Standardization DIN 1054.
GSP provides method statements, procedures and safety verification concepts in line with the project execution and presentation.

Measuring Method

An impact wave is induced into the pile by a hammer blow (drop-weight or ram). This impact can lead to movements of the pile against the soil and activate soil resistance. As the pile is penetrating into the soil the velocity decreases. From the velocity distribution with time, the distribution of shaft resistance with depth can be determined.


Measuring Equipment

For dynamic load testing GSP uses the powerful Pile Driving Analyzer® (models PAK, PAX, 8G), strain transducers and accelerometers made by Pile Dynamics, Inc.

More detailed information about the measuring instruments is given here:
Information about the Pile Driving Analyzer®

  • Pile Driving Analyser® PDA-8G

Evaluation of Measuring Results

Through a computer simulation (signal matching using CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program – CAPWAP®) the distribution of shaft resistance and end bearing as well as the calculated load settlement curve can be obtained from the measured signals.

The members of GSP have passed the Proficiency Test of the Pile Driving Contractors Association – PDCA.

Offshore Activities

Christian Mayer and Dr. Matthias Schallert are certified for working offshore i.e. for installation of foundation piles for wind turbines, transformer platforms or other offshore structures.

GSP has been involved in consulting, driveability analyses, capacity verification, monitoring of pile driving and performance of restrike tests after short and long waiting times at several offshore projects, i.e.:

      • – Bard Offshore 1 (windfarm, tripiles)
      • – Helwin1 (transformer station, jacket)
      • – Borwin Beta (transformer station, jacket)
      • – Nordsee Ost (Metmast and jackets)
      • – Baltic2 (jackets and transformer station)


Christian Mayer continuously supports a team of GRL engineers in the Persian Gulf.

Driveability Studies

With the software GRLWEAP by Pile Dynamics, Inc. a powerful one-dimensional wave equation analysis program is available, by which stresses, hammer performance and the relation between pile bearing capacity and net set per blow (inverse of blow count per unit depth), the required blows as well as the total pile driving time can be simulated. Information about the software GRLWEAP can be downloaded here:
Information about the GRLWEAP software

Driveability analysis and driving consultancy has been provided in several projects for onshore, nearshore (jetties), and offshore projects.